How my products differ from other handmade items.
Why order from me? That is an easy question to answer. My items are made from high quality materials. It’s as simple as that. I don’t just make something, no matter the quality, just because I can and I don’t expect you to order something, just because it’s handmade.
I care about quality. I care about the environment very deeply. Personally, I prefer to spend more money for high quality products that will bring me joy for a long time to come and that won’t poison me.
When you buy something cheap, it most definitely is made out of poor materials like plastic and/or synthetic fibers. These products won’t last long. However even more important is the effect these products will have on your health and the environment on a daily basis.
I know how difficult it is to find toys that are a 100% made out of natural materials. It is almost impossible. That’s why I ended up making them myself. Too often I was disappointed by the claims of “100%”, “natural” and “organic”, just to find out that plenty of synthetic fibers were used to make the items.
With me, you get cotton, linen and wool for most of my products. If I use other material, I will disclose it on the products page. With key chains I am using a key ring and chain made out of metal.
Find out more about what materials I use or browse my knowledge base.
Crocheted Baby Hat | Newborn Hat - Soft and Warm Material with Funny and Unique Designs
49,00 - 65,00€
Cat Key Chain | Kitty Cat Key Chain | Handbag Accessories | Wallet Accessories | Zipper Decoration | 2 Sizes Available
7,99 - 9,99€
What My Customers Say
"Ich finde die Sachen die Ewelina macht toll ,weil sie schön aussehen .“
- S.M · May 4, 2024
"Just love them! Espacially its structure. Using these padsI feel the micromassage effect. I always hated the way that regular pads slided on my face. It’s so unpleasent and doesn’t feel like cleanising at all… When I found these cotton hand made pads I even don’t się milk any more, just water Is enough to rinse off my make up."
- Sylwia · April 23, 2023
"Ich liebe die kleinen Bienen. Sie sehen aus, als würden sie gleich losschwirren. Summ, summ, summ 🐝"
- Renate · March 8, 2023
"Kleiner süßer Schlüsselanhänger, der in jede Tasche passt 🐳"
- Renate · March 8, 2023
"Ein toller Wegbegleiter an jedem Tag!!!Vielen dank für dieses kleine, hochwertige und liebevolle Kunstwerk."
- Andy · February 11, 2023
Reusable Make-up Removal Pads | Washable Cosmetic Pads | Face Scrub Pads | Size M
3,55 - 6,70€
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About Me
Hi, my name is Ewelina. I believe in creating high-quality, sustainable products made from natural materials like cotton, linen, and wool. My goal is to offer beautiful handmade items that are kind to the environment and your health.
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